Background and Motivation

In today's information world, small personal computerized devices, such as PDAs, smart phones and other smart appliances, become widely available and essential tools in many situations. The ongoing penetration of computers into everyday life leads to so-called ubiquitous computing environments, where computational power and networking capabilities are available (and used) everywhere to support the environment’s “inhabitants”. The strive of providing personal services to users made user modeling capability an essential part of any ubiquitous application. Ubiquitous user modelling (UbiqUM) describes ongoing modeling and exploitation of user behaviour with a variety of systems that share their user models. These shared user models can either be used for mutual or for individual adaptation goals. UbiqUM differs from generic user modelling by three additional concepts: ongoing modeling, ongoing sharing and ongoing exploitation. Systems that share their user models will improve the coverage, the level of detail, and the reliability of the integrated user models and thus allow better functions of adaptation. UbiqUM implies new challenges of interchangeability, scalability, scrutability and privacy. The workshop will focus on 2 topics:


User modelling in mobile and ubiquitous computing – collecting user information in a ubiquitous environment and converting it into meaningful user modelling data. This includes sub-topics, such as acquisition of distributed and context-aware user models; user modeling in intelligent environments; ubiquitous user modeling for entertainment and cultural heritage; pervasive and wearable user interfaces; privacy, security and trust in ubiquitous user modelling.


User model integration – combining the data acquired by various ubiquitous devices and systems. This includes topics, such as overcoming syntactic and semantic heterogeneity of distributed user models; conflict resolution in ubiquitous user modeling; user model representation, inferences with user and context models; spatial and temporal reasoning for ubiquitous user modeling; semantic web approaches and ontologies for ubiquitous user modelling, ontology mapping and alignment.